Korte toespraak van Koning Willem-Alexander, Nieuwjaarsontvangst leden van het corps diplomatique en internationale organisaties, Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam

De toespraak is uitgesproken in het Engels.

Ladies and gentlemen,

What a great pleasure it is to see you all here in the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. It’s been three years since we last had the opportunity to wish each other all the best at the beginning of the new year. Now that the Covid pandemic has subsided, the Queen and I are delighted to welcome you once again. 

As members of the Diplomatic Corps, you have a lot on your plate. You experience the pressure of strained international relations firsthand. The war in Ukraine immediately comes to mind. 

We sympathize deeply with the people of Ukraine, who are defending themselves with courage and determination against unjustified aggression and terror. And we mourn the victims of this unacceptable violence.

Let me also pay tribute to the millions of people across the globe who are struggling to hold their own while being confronted with poverty, hunger, insecurity and the effects of climate change. As diplomats, you are able to give a voice to their difficulties while doing your utmost to create international coalitions and find solutions. 

My wife and I truly appreciate your commitment and wish you every success in this important endeavor.

Your work isn’t usually in the limelight. An important part of it is carried out discretely and quietly. But it is meaningful and absolutely crucial. You embody the spirit of dialogue and collaboration that the world so desperately needs.

Therefore, it is with appreciation and gratitude that we wish you every success in your work. We are looking forward to continuing our co-operation. And we hope that your activities in the Kingdom of the Netherlands will bring you satisfaction, inspiration and joy. 

I should now like to invite you to raise your glasses. May 2023 bring you and your loved ones peace and happiness.